Journaling To Connect With God


Hello, Hello! How are you guys doing? I hope all is well and fantastic.

I'm doing okay now that I've been trying to get out of the funk I was in the last 2 weeks by doing all the things I love to do. I'm back to meditating, journaling, and praying and I can already notice the shift. It takes losing something to realize how lucky you are and that's how I felt after being away from my peaceful bedroom for 2 weeks. So now that I'm back, I want to share with you how I use journaling to speak and connect with the Universe (aka God, Source, Creator) and how it's helped me grow spiritually.

(P.s feel free to change Universe to the name you connect with most to make it more relatable to you.)

About 6 months ago, I read a book called "Writing Down Your Soul" by Janet Conner where she goes in depth of how she used journaling as a way to tap into the wisdom of her soul with the help of the Universe. In the book, she suggests using journaling as a tool to speak with the Universe about all the things you do, think and feel while venting and letting go what needs to go. While writing, you get to express your thoughts and feelings in a healthy way and you get to see it all melt away on the paper. And by directing your words to the Universe, you feel safe in knowing you can be your true self without judgement or fears. This new way of journaling has allowed me to go deeper into my spiritual life because I get to connect with my wants and needs. I can honestly say this form of journaling has also helped me out of my biggest heartbreak and some deep fears. It allowed me to be much more open about my feelings so I could get past the pain in a healthy way.

Here are a few tips on how to do it.

First, let's actually start the conversation the right way. By starting your journal entry with, "Dear Universe," you get to step right into a conversation with higher source. You start to write as if you're speaking with a trusted friend, someone who you know will speak no harm to you or judge you. And then the rest is pretty simple; just write everything that comes to mind without worrying about spelling or punctuation or the need to be perfect. In this way, you allow yourself to say what you need to say before the little voice in your head goes, "Yeah, maybe you shouldn't say that." And lastly, I always say goodbye before I finish my journaling session, usually with a "Thank you. I love you, Caro (insert heart here)."

This has truly helped me have a better relationship with the Universe and with myself. With journaling, I go deep into what I think, feel and want and in that I get to know myself better. And once I get to know myself better, I can love myself better which can only help me love others just as much. And that's my goal in life, being a source of pure love and kindness and joy to anyone and everyone (animals included) and it all starts with myself with help from the Universe.

If you're a fan of journaling, I truly recommend giving this a try and if you're not into journaling this is a great way to start. When you start building this relationship through journaling on top of praying and being thankful, is like your spiritual life just gets better and better at a much faster rate. Your soul and intuition become much more clear in the process. 

So what do you say? Will you give this a try?

I'd love to know what you think; connect with me and follow me on Instagram @benedetticarolinacoach or sign up for a FREE Health Coaching session with me!

Until next time,


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